Serving Up Pink



My TERRIFIC Alta Tennis Team Surprised me with a tribute! This would be the last tennis match I would play for a long while, as the effects of chemo was becoming too much to deal with, I would get so winded and the neuropathy in my hands and legs was getting worse. I played horribly this hot October day but that did not matter, I was just happy to be out and about amongst friends. I absolutely needed a pick me up   and this was just what the doctor ordered. These girls lifted my spirits!!! I do not know if these ladies will every really know how wonderful they made me feel. It warmed my heart and I felt so supported!!!!! They even convinced the opposing team to unite and wear pink!! What a special day!! Thanks to Cheryl, Jean , Shannon(who never wears pink but did it for me), Melissa, Chris, Kristen and all the Pink Ladies of Providence Tennis. 



Shannon: This lovely lady not only helped organize this event but would bring me dinner!! xoxo

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